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  • Easy and Quality-assured Noise Prediction for the Calculation of Wind Farm Projects with IMMI
05.02.2021 IMMI

Easy and Quality-assured Noise Prediction for the Calculation of Wind Farm Projects with IMMI

One of the biggest sources of conflict when planning new wind turbines is the noise pollution of surrounding residents. Therefore, various regulations and recommendations must be complied with when selecting sites.


Thus, a qualified noise immission prognosis is indispensable in the context of the approval planning for the erection of new wind turbines. In many member states of the European Union as well as worldwide, the basis for the calculation is the ISO 9613-2 standard. In Germany, the interim procedure based on this standard is used in accordance with the recommendation of the Federal/State Working Group for Immission Control (LAI). With this guideline, the noise propagation of wind turbines can be calculated in a qualified manner – on a receiver point or as a noise grid.


The basis is the creation of a 3D model based on a terrain model, the definition of the sound sources (wind turbines) with the specification of the emission data (frequency-independent or frequency-dependent), damping (vegetation, ground, buildings, noise barriers) and the definition of receiver points. The results are output either in detailed results lists or as two-dimensional color grids.

IMMI.WT offers a comprehensive basic package to perform qualified prognoses. The management of different scenarios (pre-load, additional load and total load), the access to databases for the management of the emission data of the wind turbines, the display of the model in 2D and 3D, the import of terrain data (ASCII, SRTM, ...) as well as the access to more than 30 different online map services worldwide are the outstanding features of this package.

In a webinar in January, we explained the requirements of the ISO 9613-2 standard as well as the calculation in IMMI –  step by step using a practical example.






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