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  • IMMI and the new ISO 9613-2: Everything you need to know in the On Demand Webinar

IMMI and the new ISO 9613-2: Everything you need to know in the On Demand Webinar

If the sound propagation of industrial and commercial noise outdoors is to be calculated, ISO 9613-2 is THE standard to apply. A new edition was published in January: The previous 18 pages are now 46, and there are also three new annexes. What has stayed the same and what has changed?


Thumbnail Webinar


In our free On Demand Webinar, our expert Denise Müller explains all the key changes and additions. Certain novelties are looked at in detail, including...

  • the improved classification of the source directional characteristic,
  • the improved and more detailed determination of the ground factor G,
  • the combination of vertical and lateral diffraction (from ISO/TR 17534-3),
  • the directivity correction Dc for chimneys (see Annex B) and
  • the calculation of the sound pressure levels caused by wind turbines.

You will also find out how the new edition is implemented in IMMI – our software for immission control.








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