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  • Quality assurance of noise calculation software on a new level
28.03.2022 IMMI

Quality assurance of noise calculation software on a new level

In noise immission control, the use of quality-assured software for noise calculation is essential. With the A-QNS association, quality assurance is raised to a new level - users thus receive absolute security in terms of conformity to standards.




The regulations on noise immission control are becoming increasingly complex, and so are the associated calculation methods. Therefore, an expert in this field can hardly avoid the use of suitable calculation software. The application of certain calculation methods in the individual areas - road, rail, aircraft and commercial noise - is regulated by law.

It is therefore necessary that the manufacturers of noise control software guarantee the quality-assured implementation of the guidelines in the individual programs. This is essentially done by testing the existing test tasks for the existing regulations. The necessary prerequisites for this are regulated in ISO 17534-1.

In order to promote quality assurance in the implementation of national and international calculation methods of noise immission control by means of software, an international "Association for quality assurance in noise propagation software" (in short A-QNS) was founded, of which the Wölfel Group is one of the founding members.


Independent auditor certifies software - full reliability for users

One of the core tasks of the A-QNS is to critically examine the software programs submitted for certification for the fulfillment of the test tasks by means of an independent examiner appointed by the association and to confirm conformity by means of a test certificate. This examination concerns the international test tasks of ISO TR 17534-3 and ISO TR 17534-4 as well as the current national German regulations RLS-19, ISO 9613 and Schall 03.

The first certifications of the products IMMI, SoundPlan and CadnaA are scheduled for spring 2023. For users of the respective programs, this means absolute security in terms of conformity to standards - and ultimately the good feeling of being able to go into the respective project-related approval procedures relaxed.

The website of the new association can be found here.



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